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Vi blev dom vi sa att vi aldrig skulle bli.

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I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.

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We're the kids your parents warned you about.

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I need you, so stop hiding.

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"We found love, oh
So don't fight it
Life is a rollercoaster
Just gotta ride it
I need you, ooh
So stop hiding"
Jag saknar dig bästavän.

I don't care what people say...

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Sometimes it's better to be alone.

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Waah, börjar bli sjuk tror jag... Blir nog film ikvälll för jag orkar inte åka och träffa en kompis i sumpan... Tar för lång tid. Nä nu vet jag inte vad jag ska göra, blir galen på allt! Hörs senare.

Love doesn't walk away, people do.

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I'd tell you to kiss my ass, but I'm pretty sure you'd fall in love, and then I'd never get rid of you.

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صورFotos de DevaneiosignorantTumblr
Jag känner mig lite svart-vit just nu. Fan. Nu ska jag lämna internet och snart sova (om några timmar..)
Får hoppas på en bättre bloggningsdag imorgon, lite fler inlägg och mer aktiv.. MEn ahr som sagt inte varit hemma något idag knappt. :) Peace out.


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Ohh guurl...

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Class is knowing what to say, when to say it, and when to stop

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Livet kommer aldrig vara lätt:

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Every teardrop is a waterfall

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Happy thoughts

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True dat..

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How i look when im in my room and.. out.

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Ska bara visa en bild på mig varje dag...

Oh snap, snow white!

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*erases* *erases* *erases*

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